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Mind Over Myth: The Psychology Reality Check

Sami Bsoul, PhD

It is expected that I provide a few lines to convince you that this book is truly a good purchase and worth reading.

However, I will not do that. Instead, I'll share with you one belief of mine.

There's an approach that suggests people don't really know what they want, and you can put anything in front of them, and they'll buy it. I don't subscribe to this notion.

I believe people do know what kind of book they're seeking.

So, if you're reading these lines, it's likely because this book aligns with what you're looking for, or at least comes close to it.

If you've stumbled upon this book by coincidence, then I believe there are no coincidences in life, and everything has its meaning. Perhaps the universe brought you to this book.


I wrote this book out of passion for psychology, as a hobby, and with a desire to share knowledge rather than for making it a business venture.

If you were to ask me, do I believe this book brings something totally new? Yes, I do. Packed with hundreds of myths backed by facts and reality checks, this book offers a fresh perspective.

Do I believe this book is both humorous and entertaining? Oh dear, it definitely is. Brimming with humor, it boldly proclaims the profound impact of laughter on mental health. Indeed, prescribing laughter is far simpler than antidepressants. This book embodies the potency of positive affirmations in therapy.

Being too serious isn't good, but being too silly isn't great either. So, what's the right way? It's about finding a balance, not going too far one way or the other. And that's precisely what this book is all about.

Do I believe this book is suitable for all ages and everyone? Absolutely. It can be enjoyed by the most expert psychologists, psychiatrists, students of psychology, or anyone who has no clue about psychology. This book is for everyone, the whole family, regardless of age or gender. It's simply the book for everyone.

You know that one friend who always comes to you with these crazy things they just heard somewhere on the street or at some bar and tells you, 'Listen, I heard they say...'
Now, you've just been hit by your friend with some information that 'looks like fact' but actually is not, and on top of that, you never get to know who these people (they) that are saying stuff all the time?

Well, here's where this book comes in to smash down the myths around psychology and bring the facts. You can confidently say this book is a reality check.

So, the next time someone tells you, 'Listen, they say that...' you don't want to bother asking who 'they' are, just bring this book into their face.

When I decided to write this book, I was thinking about the saying that goes, 'Do not believe all what you hear and do not believe half of what you see.'

With everyone becoming a master of psychology just because they wrote a few positive quotes or studied all kinds of psychology posts on Instagram, it's no surprise that myths start to run faster than cheetahs and facts sink deep down into the social media turbulence.

This book is the most valuable and objective gift you can give someone.

It is complete with funny, original illustrations and jokes written especially for this book, it offers a delightful reading experience.

This book carefully examines myths versus facts, presenting them in a clear and accessible manner.

Through various styles and tones, it distinguishes between truth and falsehood, unveiling the reality behind common misconceptions in psychology.

Enjoy discovering the truth!

© 2024

Bsoul, S. (2024). Mind Over Myth: The Psychology Reality Check [Kindle Edition].


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