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Psychology Tales

Sami Bsoul, PhD

Psychology Tales: A Revolution in Human Potential invites readers to explore the transformative evolution of psychological thought.

This engaging and insightful book offers a fresh perspective on the history of psychology, from ancient philosophical musings to contemporary practices.

Through vivid storytelling and rich narratives, this book brings to life the pivotal moments and groundbreaking figures in psychology.

Each chapter examines the personal journeys and revolutionary ideas of influential psychologists, humanizing their contributions and making complex theories accessible and compelling.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply curious about the human mind, Psychology Tales provides an enlightening and entertaining exploration of psychology’s past, present, and future.

We cannot guarantee you'll finish reading this book in one sitting, but we are certain that once you begin the journey on its first page, you'll find it hard to put down. You will find yourself attached in the dramatic highs and lows of psychology’s history.

You can say, it is a book that breathes new life into the history of psychology.

It’s a narrative voyage through the most pivotal moments and groundbreaking figures in the field of psychology.

Key Themes covered in the book Psychology Tales

The Birth of Curiosity The Dawn of Understanding

The Land of Eternal Mysteries Ancient Egypt

The Land of Serenity and Reflection Ancient India

The Land of Ancient Wisdom Ancient China

The Birth of Philosophical Psychology Ancient Greece

The Enlightenment and Seeds of Modern Psychology René Descartes

Understanding the mind and the process of learning John Locke

The Birth of Experimental Psychology Wilhelm Wundt

The Explorer of Sensory Perception Hermann von Helmholtz

The Pioneer of Mental Measurement Francis Galton

The Father of Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud

The Collective Unconscious Carl Jung

The birth of behaviourism John Watson

Into The Operant Conditioning B.F. Skinner

Toward Empathy and Human Potential Carl Rogers

Through the Stages of Development Jean Piaget

The Language of the Mind Noam Chomsky

The Landscape of Thought Aaron Beck

The Search for Understanding Human Attachment John Bowlby

A Pioneer in Understanding Attachment Mary Ainsworth

Into the Depths of Obedience Stanley Milgram

The Dark Corners of Human Nature Philip Zimbardo

Through the Stages of Human Growth Erik Erikson

The Rise of the Observable Ivan Pavlov

The Art of Hypnosis and Healing Milton Erickson

The pursuit for Human Potential Abraham Maslow

The Birth of Social Learning Albert Bandura

The Establishment of Developmental Psychology G. Stanley Hall

Functionalism and the Study of Mental Processes James Rowland Angell

Psychoanalytic Theory of Object Relations Melanie Klein

The Birth of Gestalt Therapy Fritz Perls

Finding Meaning in the Midst of Suffering Victor Frankl

Embracing the Existential Anxiety Rollo May

Structural Family Therapy and the Architecture of Change Salvador Minuchin

Bowenian Family Therapy and Emotional Systems Murray Bowen

Strategic Therapy The Art of Problem-Solving Jay Haley

The Pioneer of Personality Psychology Gordon Allport

The Memory’s Mysteries Elizabeth Loftus

The Emergence of Positive Psychology Martin Seligman

The Architect of Developmental Psychology Lev Vygotsky

A Pioneer in Understanding Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Herbert Simon

Personality Psychology and intelligence research Hans Eysenck

Various Interesting stories from the history of psychology

Psychological Interesting Insights and Facts

Reference List

© 2024



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